Manage Process Files

This topic describes how to use the Process Files option to perform tasks such as adding, removing, extracting, and compressing a Process file in the Process Files window.

To manage Process files using the Process Files option

  1. In Process Runner Excel Add-in, on the Process Runner tab, select Process Files. The Process Files window is displayed.
  2. From the Add drop-down menu, select one of following options:
    • Add Local Process File: Indicates that you must add a Process file that is available on your computer.
    • Add EShare Process File: Indicates that you must add a Process file that is available on EShare.
  3. In the Attach Process File Method window, select the following options:
    • Embed file in current Excel file: Embeds the Process file in Excel and therefore, enhances the portability of Process Runner Excel Add-in file as it can be used from anywhere. Embedding a Process file as an object is useful in cases when the location of the Process file must not be shared with other users.
    • Don't include iBook: Indicates that the iBook of the Process file must not be included in the Process Runner Excel Add-in file while embedding the Process file in Excel File.
    • Add path and file name as reference: Adds a reference file which refers to the location of the Process file. This file is available only for users who can access the path of the Process file.
    • When EShare file is used as a reference, optimize performance with smart compare embedding: Embeds an EShare referenced file in Excel file to improve performance. At runtime, EShare file is checked for its existence. If a newer file is available on EShare, it is downloaded and used. This newer file(s) is updated in Excel as well to improve performance for the next call. If you do not select this option, EShare referenced files are always kept as a pure reference and downloaded each time from EShare to the user's computer. We recommend selecting this option if you want to decrease network operations and improve performance while working with EShare files, after your Process file design is finalized.

    Note: You can use the Attach File Settings option to configure the default settings.

  4. Select a Process file and select Update If a Process file is updated and this update must be reflected in the . The Update Process File window is displayed. Perform the following steps:
    • In the Selected File section, in the File name box, rename the existing embedded Process file. Because the object name is retained, your button or macro continues to work without needing any change when you select a new file.
    • In the New File section, in the File name box, browse to the new Process file that you want to update with existing Process file.

    Note: If an SAP Process file is updated, you must delete and reattach the file. When the file is part of connected Process files, you must delete and reattach file. This option works only for embedded Process file.

  5. To refresh the currently selected Process file, select Refresh. Use this option when you have changed the original Process file and want to update it in Excel file. When the file is part of connected Process files and connection information is changed, you must delete and reattach file. This option works only for referenced (or Smart Embedded) Process file.
  6. To delete the attached Process file from the Excel, select the Process file that must be removed from the Excel file, select Delete > Yes.
  7. To extract the Process file from the Excel file and save to your computer, select the Process file, and select Extract.
  8. To reduce the size of the Excel file by removing some backup information from the Process files, select Compact Excel File.
  9. To compress the Process files added as a reference, select Compact Process file. Note that the compression affects the original Process file and cannot be rolled back. Therefore, we recommend that you take a backup before performing this step.
  10. To generate the VBA code that can be used to create the button to run the selected Process file, select Generate VBA Code. The Generate VBA Button/Code window is displayed. Perform the following steps:
    1. Select the VBA component to generate.
      • Command Button: Indicates that a command button is created on the active worksheet to run the Process file.
      • VBA Code: Indicates that the VBA code is generated. This code can be used inside a VBA module to run the Process file.
    2. Select the run type and enter the following information:
      • Excel cell: Indicates the address where the button must be created.
      • Start Row (Optional): Indicates the start row from where the call must be made.
      • End Row (Optional): Indicates the end row till where the call is to be made.
  11. Close the Process Files window.

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