Dynamic Formula - Introduction

Dynamic Formula - Introduction

DF is a very powerful feature of Process Runner DB with which you can assign specific validations to selective Mappings types. Assigned mapped values can be dynamically changed at runtime with the help of Dynamic Formula.

Process Runner DB supports 15 widely used predefined DFs on field & 1 Custom Formula for user who want to write own transformation functions. Process Runner  DB supports Dynamic Formula to be written in VB.NET.



1.Custom Formula

2.Add Leading zeros

3.Decimal Transform . to ,

4.Decimal Transform , to .

5.Date Transform to DD.MM.YYYY

6.Date Transform to MM/DD/YYYY

7.Date Transform to MM-DD-YYYY

8.Date Transform to YYYY.MM.DD

9.Date Transform to YYYY/MM/DD

10.Date Transform to YYYY-MM-DD

11.SAP Date DD.MM.YYYY Transform to System

12.SAP Date MM/DD/YYYY Transform to System

13.SAP Date MM-DD-YYYY Transform to System

14.SAP Date YYYY.MM.DD Transform to System

15.SAP Date YYYY/MM/DD Transform to System

16.SAP Date YYYY-MM-DD Transform to System

In here we will be looking at the following topics to get an idea how Dynamic Formula actually works.

1.Add Leading zeros

2.Decimal Transform . to ,

3.Date Transform to DD.MM.YYYY


4.SAP Date DD.MM.YYYY Transform to System

5.Custom Formula



Add Leading Zeros | Decimal Transform . to , | Date Transform to DD.MM.YYYY  | SAP Date DD.MM.YYYY Transform to System |Custom Formula