How to resolve Conversion error in Enjoy transactions

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When encountering error message similar to mentioned below, please follow below instructions.




Background Information/Cause:

Enjoy transaction process files (FB50, FB60, FV50, or FV60) when run in Batch input mode, user may encounter the error 'Conversion error occurred in field'  if screen variant proposed for posting in SAP user profile is used which could lead to mismatch in mapping of fields to that of screen. As seen in above screenshot, ‘Standard JE’ or ‘Farm Family’ screen variant is getting selected on test run of FV50 process file.

Suggested Solution:

The process file when run in Batch input mode should be run in ‘No Variant’ mode in SAP user profile. To resolve this issue, reset the screen variant proposed for posting so that standard maximum variant for entering G/L account data is used.

Resetting screen variant involves the following steps:

1)Open the target SAP system.

2)Type ‘FV50’ and hit Enter.  The next screen of FV50 is displayed.

3)Click on Edit --> Screen Variant --> Reset Screen Variant.


4)Click on ‘Yes’.


5)Verify that FV50 now displays ‘No entry variant selected’ as shown in below screenshot.




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