Create and Run License Server as a Service

The License Server can be run as a service on Windows. This allows the automatic activation (license server as service) at the system start-up to ensure the regular run and availability of the license server in the form of service. This section contains the guidelines to create and run License Server as windows service.

Create and Run License Server as a windows service in RLM version 12 and above

There are two ways to create license server as a windows service as explained in the following sections.

Note: The Manage Service button in Web interface of RLM v12 and above is removed.

Running License Server as a Windows Service prior to RLM version 12

Following are the generic steps to run license server as a windows service prior to RLM version 12:

  1. Open License Server web interface in Internet Explorer and enter http://<ip-address-where-license-server-is-running>:5054/.
  2. Click Manage Windows Service.
  3. The Manage Windows Services for RLM license server is displayed as shown in the image below:
  4. Default settings are usually fine. Click Apply and it should configure License Server as a service with following confirmation message:


  • Configured service will automatically start next time you boot the computer. However if you want to start the service immediately, you must do it manually: Go to Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services. Find the License Server service (default name is RLM). Double-click to bring up service Properties page. Click Start to manually start this.
  • You can also use this feature to remove License Server running as a Windows Service.