How to enable/disable Process Runner/SAP version check

How to enable/disable Process Runner/SAP version check

Process Runner tends to warn its users regarding correspondence of Process Runner version and SAP version with process file. If the origin of process file and the version where it is executed is different, then users are informed about the change in version. Similarly, if a Process file is created using a SAP version that is different from current SAP version where file is been executed, then a popup will be displayed informing the change in version.

Process Runner users can disable these warning pop-ups of version check both globally (for all process files at application level) and individually (for an individual process file).


hmtoggle_plus1Enable/Disable version-check settings for all process files


hmtoggle_plus1Enable/Disable version-check settings for process files individually


hmtoggle_plus1Warning Message




If Individual setting is not changed by user then global settings will be applied for those file version check.





How to remove warn popup message when Process Runner connects to SAP GUI