
This topic describes how to configure the Dashboard notes and reference information for a Process file that can be used to identify the run in the Stat window.

Important: The Dashboard option is displayed on the Home tab only if you have selected Enable Dashboard in the Options window > Enterprise Settings > Dashboard tab.

To configure Dashboard parameters

  1. Open the Process file and go to the Home tab.
  2. In the Logon and Control Parameters section, select Innowera Dashboard. The Dashboard Notes window is displayed.
  3. Enter the following information:
    • Project ID: Indicates the ID that is displayed in the Project column in the grid of stat records.
    • Ticket ID: Indicates the ID that is displayed in the Ticket/Issue ID column at grid of stat records.
    • Notes: Indicates the notes or comments that is displayed in the Notes column of stat records.
  4. Select Confirm on Every Run. The Dashboard notes and configuration details are confirmed on every run of the Process file and are displayed in the Stat window.