Resolving iNetConnector - ENT error

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ENT Error: You may receive error similar to below when you try to logon to SAP. This error usually happens where you have more than one saplogon.ini files on your computer/network and iNETCONNECTOR is pointing to a different Saplogon.ini file.



To resolve this error, follow the below mentioned steps.


1.First check what is path for Saplogon.ini – follow these steps.



2.Set the same path in Process Runner – Logon Pad – follow these steps. Open any file and click Run




Go to Advance Tab – and make sure that “saplogon.ini” path is same as what you found in step 1 above. If not, click on yellow folder and change to correct path.



After both the saplogon.ini path matches, click back on “Server/Group”, and continue your normal logon.. it should work now..





Resolving SNC Error