Send Email Notification of Data Extract through Post-Run Script

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In this example, you will learn that how a user can be notified by email regarding status of scheduled data extraction process. This mechanism works with the help of Post-Run Script feature.

Click here to find more information regarding Pre/Post Run Script feature.

Start Process Runner and open any Data Extractor sample file. Let us consider “MARA” for this case. Default location for samples is:

“\\My Documents\Innowera\Samples\ folder”.


Go to ‘Advanced’ tab and check ‘Enable Pre and Post run external process’ option as shown below. Click on ‘Pre/Post Run Process’ button to proceed further.


You should get a pop-up window as shown below. Enable ‘Post-Run Process Settings’ option. Select sub-option ‘Internal Script’ (Post-Run iScript) in ‘Select process from’ option. Click on OK button to proceed further.


Go to ‘Post-Run iScript’ tab in the same window and click on ‘Insert Sample Code’ button.



Select the ‘Post-Run-SendMail’ script file from samples folder.


Change the following email settings according to your Mail Server.



Schedule this process and save the file. Once your scheduled file runs successfully, it will automatically send an e-mail to the desired recipient (as per the details in script Settings).




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